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If the video is less than 128 MB, you can also upload it in the entry form  Please  be patient as you can’t see the upload progress there. However, if your video is more than 128 MB, or you prefer another way, below please find some of them:


1) Please do not send us videos via Messenger or What’s up, because these applications compress files and thus severely reduce their quality.


2) The best way to share a video is through your Google Drive, sending the download link to


3) You can also share via another free cloud, e.g.


4) The easiest way is to send a video file as an attachment in an e-mail to, but whether it will reach us depends on the capacity of your mailbox. Ours is set to 500 MB. But if the file is too large it may get stuck in the various gates the mail must go through on its way, and they usually allow videos up to 50 MB.



By sharing your video with us, you declare that you have full rights to it and you consent to its use on Parrot TV’s YT channel.

See also filming tips

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